His First Book, “The Spell of the Sensuous,” Established Him as a Luminary in Environmental Literature. His Latest Work Promises Even More Depth and Insight.
Celebrated author David Abram, renowned for his influential work “The Spell of the Sensuous,” is back with a groundbreaking exploration of the intricate relationship between humans and nature.
As global climate shifts threaten our planet and its ecosystems, the collective consequences on the biosphere underscore the imperative for a radical transformation in our approach to the environment. For decades, society has been detached, relying heavily on technology which inadvertently distances us from the organic world. Abram’s new book challenges this detachment, inviting readers to reconnect with their primal senses and rediscover the innate bond between the human psyche and the pulsating Earth.
Delving deep into the wonders of nature, Abram touches on the transformative abilities of ravens, the sensuality inherent in gravity, the profound voice of thunder, and the unique joy of being part of the food chain. Each chapter promises an immersive experience, beckoning readers to view the world through a lens that celebrates and respects our organic ties to the environment.
This timely work by Abram is not just a book but an experience, urging humanity to recognize and respect the delicate balance of life and emphasizing the importance of coexistence.
Fans of “The Spell of the Sensuous” and new readers alike will find immense value and inspiration in Abram’s poetic prose, incisive insights, and his passionate call for a deeper understanding of our world.

David Abram is an ecologist, anthropologist, and philosopher who lectures and teaches widely around the world. His groundbreaking book, “The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World,” paved the way for the emergence of several novel disciplines, most notably the burgeoning field of ecopsychology. Honored with a Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction, David has been recognized by the Utne Reader and the British journal Resurgence as one of a hundred visionaries transforming contemporary culture. His prolific writings on the cultural implications and repercussions of environmental challenges are showcased in numerous publications, scholarly journals, and anthologies. David is also a proud co-founder of the Alliance for Wild Ethics (AWE). He resides with his family in the picturesque foothills of the southern Rockies.
For more information or to request an interview with David Abram, please fill up the sign up form.
This book is a vivid reminder of the power of literature to ignite intellectual curiosity and fuel insightful conversations.